Sunday, February 5, 2012


I hope everyone has had a great first month back! Sustainability is important to our community and our world, and we should try to go green where we can.

This is probably the only time I will ever tell you not to listen to Kermit...but don't listen to Kermit! It is quite easy to be green, and here are a few ways you can be sustainable during your busy life...
  • On The Go
    • If you're like me and you drink a lot of water, buy a reusable water bottle. It will save you a ton of money in the long run and it will cut down on the waste you produce.
    • If you're a caffeine addict and must have your coffee every day, buy a reusable thermos so you don't have to use a paper cup each time. It will cut down on waste and a reusable thermos is also sturdier and easier to carry around when you're walking to class.
    • If you have to drive off campus a lot, take care of your car. Make sure your tires are properly inflated while you're cruising, don't accelerate too quickly after having stopped, and turn off your car and go into restaurants instead of idling in the drive-thru lane; doing all of these will boost your gas mileage.
    • So you have one of those neat reusable grocery bags, but you're a college student with a thousand things on your mind and you always leave it at home when you go to the grocery I right? Shop away and save the plastic bags! Many stores now have grocery bag recycling centers you can bring your bags to or you can use them around the apartment as garbage bags or as a bike-seat cover when it rains.
  • In The Apartment
    • Turn off your lights when you leave! It's one of the simplest things to do, yet we forget all the time. Write a reminder note on your front door so you'll remember when you head out for the day
    • Unplug your computer at night, especially if you don't need to take it to class the next day. After your computer has charged fully, it still uses electricity, so unplugging it 
    • Get the funny-looking pig-tail light bulbs! Replacing an incandescent bulb with one can save about $67 in energy bills over the bulb's lifetime
  • Study Time
    • I thrive on making hand-written or typed study guides before a test; if you do the same, use both sides of the paper
    • If you're going to be in the library all day studying or writing a paper, walk instead of driving. It will take you a little longer, but you'll enjoy the quiet time walking back when your day is over
I hope you'll take some of these suggestions to heart and try to be sustainable. This has been a message from your friendly CA Joya. Please don't hesitate to contact or visit me if you need me.
